The Effect of Maternal Mental Health Psychoeducation Class on Self-Efficacy of Pregnant Women and Family Support


  • Muliati Dolofu Poltekkes Kemenkes Kendari, Indonesia
  • Khalidatul Khair Anwar Poltekkes Kemenkes Kendari, Indonesia
  • Yustiari Poltekkes Kemenkes Kendari, Indonesia
  • Farming Poltekkes Kemenkes Kendari, Indonesia



Psychoeducational Classes, Mental Health Maternal, Self-Efficacy, Family Support


Mental health problems in mothers (mental health maternal) are a major public health problem that needs to be dealt with seriously. As many as 10%-20% of women experience mental illness during pregnancy and postpartum worldwide. There are many methods that can be done in terms of maintaining maternal mental health so as to avoid the occurrence of postpartum depression. Some of the methods that can be done are by providing psychoeducation not only to pregnant women but also to families so that it can reduce the stigma of society related to mental disorders experienced by mothers. The purpose was to prove the effect of psychoeducation on the self-efficacy of pregnant women and family support. This study is a quasy experiment using a pre-post test design with control group. The study involved 30 people consisting of pregnant women and their families as an intervention group who participated in a maternal mental health psychoeducation class that was integrated with a pregnant woman class for 2 months.  The control group of 30 people will also take a class of pregnant women in general for 2 months. The research will be carried out in the Working Area of the North Sawa Konawe Health Center which is a target area of the Kendari Ministry of Health Polytechnic and is also active in conducting classes for pregnant women but there is no material related to mental health maternal. The results showed that there was an influence of mental health maternal psychoeducation class on the self-efficacy of pregnant women with a p-value (0.001) < a ? value (0.05) and there was an influence of the class on family support with a p-value (0.001) < a ? value (0.02). Mothers who received maternal mental health psychoeducation classes generally had high maternal self-efficacy and family support for pregnant women was also high.


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How to Cite

Dolofu, M., Khair Anwar, K., Yustiari, & Farming. (2024). The Effect of Maternal Mental Health Psychoeducation Class on Self-Efficacy of Pregnant Women and Family Support. Health Information : Jurnal Penelitian, 16(3), e1582.

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