Relationship Between Diet, Energy Intake, Protein, And Knowledge Of Maternal Nutrition With Nutritional Status (Stunting) In Children Under Five Aged 24-59 Months In The Working Area Of Pajala Public Health Center West Muna Regency

Relationship Between Diet, Energy Intake, Protein, And Knowledge Of Maternal Nutrition With Nutritional Status (Stunting) In Children Under Five Aged 24-59 Months In The Working Area Of Pajala Public Health Center West Muna Regency


  • Indah Fitriana Poltekkes Kemenkes Kendari, Indonesia
  • La Banudi Jurusan Gizi, Poltekkes Kemenkes Kendari, Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Hikmandayani Poltekkes Kemenkes Kendari, Indonesia
  • Euis Nurlaela poltekkes Kemenkes Kendari, Indonesia



Nutritional Status (Stunting), Diet, Energy Intake, Protein


Stunting or short toddlers are toddlers with chronic nutritional problems, those who have nutritional status based on body length or height according to age under five have a z-score TB/U less than -2SD and if it is less than 3SD they are categorized as very short toddlers. Southeast Sulawesi PSG data also increased in 2016 by 20,6% and in 2017 by 21,22%. Based on RISKESDAS Southeast Sulawesi in 2018 the prevalence of stunting under five years of age in west Muna Regency was 18,6% one of the Pajala Public Healt Centers had a prevalence off 27,0% stunting. Purpose: Knowing the relationship between diet, energy intake, protein, and knowledge of maternal nutrition with nutritional status (stunting) in children under five aged 24-59 months in the work area of Pajala Health Center, Wes Muna Regency. Method: This research is an observational study using a cross sectional study design, this research was carried out in the work area of the Pajala Public Health Center West Muna Regency and was carried out in February-March 2022. The sample in this study was taken by random sampling and 61 samples were selected. The statistical test used is chi-square. Results: This study obtained nutritional status (stunting) in children under five as many as 22 people (36.1%), eating patterns as many as 35 sample (57.4%) in the less category, energy intake as many as 55 samples (90.2%) in the low category, protein intake of 3 samples (4.9%) in the low category and knowledge of maternal nutrition as many as 25 samples (41.0%) in the poor category. Statistical test results obtained that there is a relationship between diet and nutritional status (stunting) in children under five (p=0.018), there is no relationship between energy intake and nutritional status (stunting) in children under five (p=0.297), there is no relationship between protein intake and nutritional status. Nutrition (stunting) in children under five (p=0.918), there is no relationship between knowledge of maternal nutrition and nutritional status (stunting) in children under five (p=0.297). This study suggests to the Public Health Center to develop Integrated Healthcare Center or nutrition cadres to provide education or counseling about stunting, diet, parenting, and environmental hygiene as well as providing education, counseling and taking height measurements regularly every month. Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between diet and nutritional status (stunting) in children under five aged 24-59 months in the work area of the Pajala Health Center Muna Barat Regency (p=0,018), there is no relationship between energy intake, protein, knowledge of maternal nutrition (p=>0,05) with nutritional status (stunting) in children under five aged 24-59 months in the work area of the Pajala Health Center Muna Barat Regency


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How to Cite

Fitriana, I., Banudi, L., Hikmandayani, & Nurlaela, E. (2023). Relationship Between Diet, Energy Intake, Protein, And Knowledge Of Maternal Nutrition With Nutritional Status (Stunting) In Children Under Five Aged 24-59 Months In The Working Area Of Pajala Public Health Center West Muna Regency: Relationship Between Diet, Energy Intake, Protein, And Knowledge Of Maternal Nutrition With Nutritional Status (Stunting) In Children Under Five Aged 24-59 Months In The Working Area Of Pajala Public Health Center West Muna Regency. Jurnal Stunting Pesisir Dan Aplikasinya, 2(2), 90–103.



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