Education on Recognition, Prevention, and Early Detection of the Risk of Heart Disease in Women of Childbearing Age as an effort to prevent stunting


  • Hikmandayani Hikmandayani poltekkes kemenkes kendari, Indonesia
  • kartini Jurusan Kebidanan Poltekke Kendari, Indonesia
  • Farming Jurusan Kebidanan Poltekke Kendari, Indonesia
  • Dewi Mardhani Jurusan Kebidanan Poltekke Kendari, Indonesia
  • Siti Aisa Jurusan Kebidanan Poltekke Kendari, Indonesia



Edukasi, deteksi dini, penyakit jantung, stunting


Cardiovascular disease is still a global threat and is a disease that plays a major role as the number one cause of death worldwide. Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) states that more than 17 million people in the world die from heart and blood vessel disease. Cardiovascular disease also most often attacks the productive age group, so that its mortality causes an economic and social burden on society. Cardiovascular disease starts from simple steps. The Motui village area in North Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province, whose population is mostly lower middle class, has low education, socio-demographic factors and unbalanced food consumption habits, this is the determinant of hypertension and heart disease in coastal communities. There is an increase in understanding of women of childbearing age about prevention and early detection of heart disease, on average women of childbearing age have sufficient knowledge (58.00) and after participating in activities it has increased to a good category (90.00)


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How to Cite

Hikmandayani, H., kartini, Farming, Dewi Mardhani, & Siti Aisa. (2024). Education on Recognition, Prevention, and Early Detection of the Risk of Heart Disease in Women of Childbearing Age as an effort to prevent stunting. Jurnal Stunting Pesisir Dan Aplikasinya, 3(2), 27–34.

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