Effectiveness of the Combination of Katuk Leaves (Sauropus Androgynus L.Merr) and Soy Milk on Breast Milk Production with Baby Weight Indicators


  • Siti Mujahida Zain Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang, Indonesia
  • Ta’adi Ta’adi Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang, Indonesia
  • Endah Aryati Eko Ningtyas Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang, Indonesia




Effervescent, katuk leaves, Soy milk, Milk production


In the process of exclusive breastfeeding, there are obstacles experienced by mothers that are the cause of failure in breastfeeding, one of which is caused by the mother's low milk production. Efforts are made to increase breast milk production in a non-pharmacological way. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of effervescent tablets combined with katuk leaf (Sauropus Androgynus L. Merr) and soy milk on breast milk production in breastfeeding mothers with infant weight indicators. The method in this study is a Quasy experiment with pretest and posttest control group design. Sampling by Purposive Sampling. The number of samples was 68 normal postpartum mothers on days 1-10. Data analysis used the Repetaed Measures Anova, One Way Anova and Kruskal Wallis Test. Based on the results of the statistical test, a significance value (p=0.000) < 0.05 was obtained, which means that there was a difference in the average weight of babies in the intervention group given effervescent tablets


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How to Cite

Zain, S. M., Ta’adi, T., & Ningtyas, E. A. E. (2024). Effectiveness of the Combination of Katuk Leaves (Sauropus Androgynus L.Merr) and Soy Milk on Breast Milk Production with Baby Weight Indicators. Health Information : Jurnal Penelitian, 16(2), e1177. https://doi.org/10.36990/hijp.v16i2.1177



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