Publication Ethics

This page contains publication ethics for all parties involved in the journal publishing process of Health Information : , namely the authors, editors, and bestari partners of Health Information: Research Journal.

Conflict of interest

The author must convey the possibility of a conflict of interest over the results of the study to be published. This submission contains sources of funding or sponsors, what kind of assistance did they provide during the review process (data collection, analysis & interpretation of data. Are there any restrictions by the funder or sponsor on the results that can be reported?

In addition to the conflict of interest on the author's side, the editors and bestari partners are also inseparable from this.

The conflict of interest occurs as a result of a competition, collaboration, or other relationship and connection with one of the authors, companies, or institutions related to the article.

Research Misconduct

Research misconduct found by readers, editors and review partners can be reported to the editorial office or manuscript editor. Published articles or manuscripts that are in the process of being published will be withdrawn and the editorial team will investigate the error.

Author's Responsibilities

Reporting standards

The author must provide an accurate report, as well as write an objective discussion of the significance of his research. The data used must be presented in detail so as to facilitate the replication and reproduction of the study. If there are reports of scientific misconducts or the intentional submission of inaccurate information, then this is unethical behavior and is unacceptable.

Study Ethics

Studies involving chemicals, procedures or equipment that are hazardous in their use to study subjects, be they humans or animals, need to be clearly identified with ethics.

Data access

Authors are required to provide preprocessed data (raw data) related to articles for use in the review process, and should be prepared to provide public access to such data by storing it in an open repository (HIJP recommendations on data management).


The author must ensure that the content of the manuscript is a work that is free from plagiarism (HIJP rules on similarity test).

Double publication

HIJP does not accept the results of studies that have previously been published in scientific journals or proceedings. The use of study data that has been published previously but with a different object of discussion needs to be submitted to the editor (HIJP's position on the distribution of the substance of the study results through praprin).

List of authors and contribution awards

Authors are those who contributed to the preparation of the manuscript. The author's criteria as recommended by ICMJE are:

Contribute to the concept/design of the study (acquisition, analysis and interpretation of data);
Provide scientific contributions to the process of writing or revising manuscripts;
Responsible for approving the final version of the content of the manuscript.

Contributions made other than these three criteria are considered non-author contributors and they may be referred to as 'thank you'.

Corresponding authors must ensure that the authors' names are included on the manuscript, and editors do not accept additional names after the manuscript has been approved for publication.

Editor's Responsibilities


Editors evaluate manuscripts regardless of the race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnicity, nationality, or political views of the authors.


Editors and editorial staff must not disclose any information about the manuscript to anyone other than the authors, reviewers, and the editorial board.

Publication decision

The editor is responsible for making decisions on the publication of the manuscript. This decision is based on the advice given by the review partners and the substance of the manuscript that is free of errors.

Peer Reviewer Responsibilities

Review quality

Bestari partners assist editors in making editorial decisions and assist authors to improve the quality of reporting on review results by providing constructive comments (more on peer review).

Review time

Bestri partners who are asked to review manuscripts can communicate with the editor if they feel they do not meet the requirements or do not have sufficient time to conduct a review.


The review must be carried out objectively. Personal criticism of the author should not be submitted. The point of review should be on the substance of the content of the manuscript.


Every article accepted for review must be treated as a confidential document. Articles may not be distributed or discussed with others except with the permission of the editor.