Determining Factors of Knowledge of Dengue Vaccine: Cross Sectional Study of Parents in Southeast Sulawesi


  • Muhamad Ramadhan STIKES PELITA IBU, Indonesia
  • Rahayu Apriyanti STIKES Pelita Ibu, Kendari, Indonesia
  • Lutfia Midha Hayatin STIKES Pelita Ibu, Kendari, Indonesia
  • Ade Sundari Dinata STIKES Pelita Ibu, Kendari, Indonesia



Vaccine, Dengue fever, Knowledge


The viral infection of dengue fever is a communicable disease transmitted by mosqui-toes and is declared endemic in over 100 tropical and subtropical countries. Southeast Sulawesi is notably identified as one of the provinces with the highest Case Fatality Rate (CFR) in Indonesia, specifically at 1.9%, compared to the national CFR of 0.96%, and an IR reaching 24.6 per 100,000 population. This study aims to assess the determinant factors influencing the level of knowledge among parents. Conducted from September to October 2023, the research involved 642 parents across Southeast Sulawesi, encompassing Kendari, Bau-Bau, Konawe Selatan, Muna, and Wakatobi, which is the region with the most noteworthy frequency of dengue fever in Southeast Sulawesi. Knowledge level of parents in Southeast Sulawesi regarding the vac-cine and dengue fever is reported at 71.1%. There is a significant correlation observed with educational status (p-value=0.000), prior experience of encountering dengue fever (p-value=0.001), awareness of dengue fever vaccine (p-value=0.000), and information sources (p-value=0.006). It is imperative to conduct health education initiatives by healthcare personnel to enhance parental knowledge. This proactive approach is crucial for fostering acceptance of vaccination once it becomes available, thereby contributing to the overall prevention of dengue fever among their children.


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How to Cite

Muhamad Ramadhan, Apriyanti, R., Midha Hayatin, L., & Sundari Dinata, A. (2024). Determining Factors of Knowledge of Dengue Vaccine: Cross Sectional Study of Parents in Southeast Sulawesi. Health Information : Jurnal Penelitian, 16(2), e1469.



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