Detection of Uterine Contractions in Mothers in the First Stage of Active Phase Using Instruments Uterine Electromyograpy


  • Pratiwi Pratiwi Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang, Indonesia
  • Melyana Nurul Widyawati
  • Kurnianingsih



Uterine Contractions, Uterine Electromyography, Labor, First Stage Active Phase


The maternal mortality rate is still quite high in 2022, which is 3,572 people, efforts are still needed so that the target of Indonesia's golden age of 2030 can be achieved. Prevention of complications during labor will reduce maternal morbidity and mortality. One of the important components that must be monitored in labor is uterine contractions to identify complications in the labor process. Dystocia in labor can also be caused by abnormal contractions, the impact of this on the mother is intrapartum infection, uterine rupture, fistula formation, pelvic floor muscle injury. While in the fetus it has the potential to cause caput succedaneum and fetal head molasses and can even result in skull fractures if labor management is not carried out properly. Detection of uterine contractions with uterine electromyography using surface electrodes is considered an innovation in monitoring his that is considered effective and efficient, accurate and without risk. This article review aims to analyze the use of uterine contraction detection tools in mothers in labor using uterine electromyography. The article review method is a systematic review of the PICO question formulation by searching for article titles in online databases (ProQuest, Sage Journal, Science Direct, Scopus and googlescholar). The reviewed articles have met the inclusion criteria. The results obtained in general can be concluded that uterine contractions in women in labor can be detected using uterine electromyography based on the measurement of uterine muscle electricity during contractions which can be further developed to produce an accurate and easy-to-use uterine contraction examination tool.


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How to Cite

Pratiwi, P., Nurul Widyawati, M., & Kurnianingsih. (2024). Detection of Uterine Contractions in Mothers in the First Stage of Active Phase Using Instruments Uterine Electromyograpy. Health Information : Jurnal Penelitian, 16(2), e1494.



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