Stunting Di Desa Blimbing Kecamatan Gudo Kabupaten Jombang


  • Amor Paraten Ginting RS Kristen Mojowarno Jombang, Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Eko Digdoprihasto Tjahjo RS Kristen Mojowarno Jombang, Indonesia
  • Kienan Agni Dewanty RS Kristen Mojowarno Jombang, Indonesia, Indonesia


Stunting, Kecamatan Gudo, Kabupaten Jombang


In Indonesia, based on Riskesdas data in 2018, the incidence of stunting continues to fluctuate, up and down every year. Stunting due to toddlers in Jombang Regency, occurs due to malnutri-tion and wrong parenting. By 2021, more than 85,000 children under the age of five will be tar-geted by the weighing target, of which 9,700 will be identified as at risk or suffering from stunt-ing. This study aims to describe stunting in Blimbing Village, Gudo District, Jombang Regency. The method used in this study is a descriptive observational study. Analysis of the data used is descriptive statistics. The procedures carried out include: data review, data classification, data tabulation, calculation of data frequency and subsequent processing according to appropriate descriptive statistics. The results showed that stunting occurred on average at the age of 33.21 months and often occurred in infants aged 25 months. Then, based on BB:TB, stunting cases averaged -1.004198282 and the highest stunting rate was -2.9021226. Then 48 male toddlers (46.6%) experienced stunting. This table also shows that 55 girls under five (53.4%) are stunted. It is known that there are 103 toddlers aged 3 months to 60 months that stunting often occurs in infants aged 25 months. This data shows that infants at the age of 25 months are very suscepti-ble to stunting.

Author Biographies

Eko Digdoprihasto Tjahjo, RS Kristen Mojowarno Jombang

RS Kristen Mojowarno Jombang, Indonesia

Kienan Agni Dewanty, RS Kristen Mojowarno Jombang, Indonesia

RS Kristen Mojowarno Jombang, Indonesia



How to Cite

Ginting, A. P., Tjahjo, E. D., & Dewanty, K. . A. (2023). Stunting Di Desa Blimbing Kecamatan Gudo Kabupaten Jombang . Health Information : Jurnal Penelitian, 15(1). Retrieved from



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