Risiko Paparan Asap Rokok Pada Ibu Hamil Terhadap Kejadian Penyakit Paru Anak : Tinjauan Pustaka


  • Anisa Ulaya Syarifah Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Tarumanagara, Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Claudya Dwie Riskyana Universitas Tarumanagara, Indonesia,Tarumanagara University , Indonesia
  • Teddy Tjahyanto Universitas Tarumanagara, Indonesia https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2394-8833


Exposure risk, cigarette smoke, pregnant women, Tuberculosis


Health during pregnancy must be given special attention to pregnant women because it has an influence on the health of the fetus and child in the future. Especially the influence of exposure to cigarette smoke on the environment which is a risk factor for respiratory tract disease. In this case Secondhand Smoke (SHS) has a strong influence which can have an impact on fetal development disorders such as lung organs, Low Birth Weight Babies (LBW), increased incidence of ARI, etc. This research was conducted to find out and conclude that SHS substances have an impact on children's lung development and disease. The author conducted a search, sorting and analysis of scientific literature with the keywords exposure to tobacco smoke, pregnancy, prenatal, maternal, respiratory tract disease, children. The sources of literature used are Google Scholar, Pubmed, Science Direct with a period of the last 10 years (2012-2022). The most important thing in SHS is the substance contained in cigarette smoke inhaled by pregnant women. There are three types of substances that have strong mechanisms that affect the fetus, including Carbon Monoxide causing a lack of oxygen supply to the baby's blood through the placenta which can cause birth defects, etc. Nicotine affects fetal lung development by nAChRs (nicotinic acetylcholine receptors) and reduces the activity of antioxidant enzymes and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) which can cause asthma in children by modulating DNA methylation of growth genes through the mother's placenta. Of the three types of substances mentioned above, it can be concluded that SHS has a strong effect on the development and disease of children's lungs with the same mechanism, namely being able to cross the placenta. However, regarding the direct impact or the duration of the range from prenatal to postnatal pulmonary disease in children, there has not been a definite report, it is hoped that future studies can elaborate further. 

Author Biography

Claudya Dwie Riskyana, Universitas Tarumanagara, Indonesia,Tarumanagara University

Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Tarumanagara, Indonesia



How to Cite

Syarifah, A. U., Riskyana, C. D. ., & Tjahyanto, T. (2023). Risiko Paparan Asap Rokok Pada Ibu Hamil Terhadap Kejadian Penyakit Paru Anak : Tinjauan Pustaka. Health Information : Jurnal Penelitian, 15(1). Retrieved from https://myjurnal.poltekkes-kdi.ac.id/index.php/hijp/article/view/811



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