Case Study : Analysis The Causes Of Eye Injuries In Oil Palm at PTPN IV Adolina


  • Mardiana Siahaan Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
  • Tri Niswati Utami Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara, Indonesia


Kata kunci: Studi kasus, Cedera mata, Kecelakaan kerja.


Work accident can occur ant time in the work environtment, including work accident in oil palm plantations with a large number of workers and job have a high risk of work accidents. The purpose is to khowing the causes of eye injury in oil palm harvesting workers. This study use a qualitative method with an observational approach using a case study design. This research conducted in Novembel until December at PTPN IV Adolina. Data Colection by secondary data and Interviews. Base on Resulth of this Results, it was obtainde from the result of secondary data that there were 8 workers who suffered eye inhuries, these work accidents included the highest work accidents at PTPN IV Adolina, from the research results through interviews conducted by researchers it was found that the causes of eye injuries in workers were 1. Dont wearing PPE Safety goggles, 2. PPE in the form of safety gohles that are dewy when used, 3. Lack of self awareness of workers, 4. Weak supervision.



How to Cite

Siahaan, M., & Utami, T. N. (2023). Case Study : Analysis The Causes Of Eye Injuries In Oil Palm at PTPN IV Adolina. Health Information : Jurnal Penelitian, 15(1). Retrieved from



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