Evaluation of the Potential of African Leaf Extract Hydrogel (Vernonia Amygdalina) in Improving Perineal Wound Healing in Rabbits (Oryctolagus Cuniculus) as an Experimental Animal Model


  • Oktaviana Thresia Monika Barbara Adam Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang, Indonesia
  • Suharyo Hadisaputro Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang, Indonesia
  • Suryati Kumorowulan Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Magelang, Indonesia




Hidrogel Daun Afrika, Luka Perineum


Perineal rupture occurs in almost all vaginal deliveries experienced by women giving birth and will cause pain and discomfort, apart from that it will affect the mother's condition in providing lactation and daily care of her baby. Therefore, a good and effective perineal wound healing process is very important. One of the herbs that can be used to help speed up the healing process of perineal wounds is African Leaf (vernoniaa amygdalina), which contains substances that can speed up the wound healing process. In order to make the use of African leaves more visible, it is necessary to apply it to female rabbits (oryctolagus cuniculus) before being applied to the perineal wounds of postpartum mothers. The choice of hydrogel preparation is able to provide a cool feeling on the skin, thereby creating a comfortable feeling when applied to the target area and the preparation dries easily to form a film layer that is easily washed off with water. Design usedtrue experimentwith the research designrandomized post test with control group. The population of this study was 12 rabbits which were divided into 2 groups, namely group (I) treating clean dry wounds and group (II) treating wounds with 30% African leaf hydrogel 2 times a day for 7 days. Wound measurement uses a score scaleREEDA. Treatment was carried out for 7 days with the prevalence of the REEDA score assessed. Statistical test usingFriedmanAndMann Whitney.Timing test results healing of perineal wounds on the third to seventh day. Treatment for clean dry wounds heals longer than wounds treated with African leaf hydrogel. The results of the analysis for both groups showed a decrease in scaleREEDAwhich is significant on days 3.5 to 7, so it can be concluded that treating perineal wounds in rabbits by administering African leaf hydrogel can help speed up the healing process of perineal wounds.


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How to Cite

Adam, O. T. M. B., Hadisaputro, S., & Kumorowulan, S. (2024). Evaluation of the Potential of African Leaf Extract Hydrogel (Vernonia Amygdalina) in Improving Perineal Wound Healing in Rabbits (Oryctolagus Cuniculus) as an Experimental Animal Model. Health Information : Jurnal Penelitian, 16(1), e1157. https://doi.org/10.36990/hijp.v16i1.1157



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