Kualitas Bakteri Udara Pada Ruangan Unit Gawat Darurat Dan Laboratorium Di Puskesmas Waenahe Air Bacteria Quality in Emergency Unit and Laboratory Rooms at Waena Health Cente


  • Asrianto Asrianto https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5324-8179
  • Revalina Manalu
  • Indra Taufik Sahli Poltekkes Kemenkes Jayapura, Indonesia
  • Loly Sabrina Sitompul Poltekkes Kemenkes Jayapura, Indonesia
  • Fajar Bakti Kurniawan Poltekkes Kemenkes Jayapura, Indonesia
  • Risda Hartati Poltekkes Kemenkes Jayapura, Indonesia
  • Afika Herma Wardani Poltekkes Kemenkes Jayapura, Indonesia


bakteri udara, cawan terbuka, kuman, nosokomial


Airborne bacteria are bacteria that are dispersed and carried by the air, whose presence makes the air unhealthy for humans and other living creatures. The spread of these bacteria in healthcare facilities can cause nosocomial infections. The Emergency Room (ER) and Laboratory are parts of the rooms in Waena Public Health Center that are prone to contamination by numerous microorganisms, which can originate from samples or visitors. The purpose of this research is to determine the comparison of airborne bacteria quality in the ER and Laboratory of Waena Public Health Center in the year 2023. The design of this research is descriptive quantitative. Samples in this study were taken from 5 points in both the ER and Laboratory rooms. Data analysis in this research used statistical tests (T-test). The results of this study showed that the highest number of bacteria in the ER was on the 4th day with a count of 1,771 CFU/m3, and the lowest on the 1st day with 417 CFU/m3. For the Laboratory, the highest count was on the 6th day with 1,536 CFU/m3, and the lowest on the 3rd day with 443 CFU/m3. Normality and homogeneity tests were met, allowing for the T-test to be performed. This study indicated that in both the ER and Laboratory, only the 1st and 3rd days met the airborne bacteria quality requirements according to PERMENKES (Ministry of Health Regulation) number 1077 of the year 2011 during a week of working days. There were no significant differences between the ER and Laboratory regarding airborne bacteria quality.



How to Cite

Asrianto, A., Manalu, R., Sahli, I. T., Sitompul, L. S., Kurniawan, F. B., Hartati, R., & Wardani, A. H. (2023). Kualitas Bakteri Udara Pada Ruangan Unit Gawat Darurat Dan Laboratorium Di Puskesmas Waenahe Air Bacteria Quality in Emergency Unit and Laboratory Rooms at Waena Health Cente. Health Information : Jurnal Penelitian, 15(2). Retrieved from https://myjurnal.poltekkes-kdi.ac.id/index.php/hijp/article/view/996



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